Berlin Half Marathon, 5 апреля 2020

Серия забегов: Berlin Half Marathon

Забег 5 апреля 2020 отменён!

Место старта: Berlin, Karl-Marx-Allee, near Cinema "Kino International"

Комментарий: 2020 - Отменен из-за угрозы эпидемии COVID-19

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Дополнительная информация

Due to the general order according to the infection protection law § 28 / 1 (“§ 28 Abs. 1 Infektionsschutzgesetz”) (valid since March 12th, 2020) by the Borough Office (“Bezirksamt”) of Berlin Mitte and the general order according to the infection protection law § 28 / 1 (“§ 28 Abs. 1 Infektionsschutzgesetz (IfSG)”) by the Borough Office (“Bezirksamt”) of  Berlin Tempelhof-Schöneberg we have to cancel the GENERALI BERLIN HALF MARATHON on April 5th, 2020 and the EXPO of the GENERALI BERLIN HALF MARATHON (April 3-4, 2020).

We have been working on the 40th anniversary of the spring classic with a lot of energy and dedication for over a year. Together with athletes from more than 100 countries, we as the organizing club SCC BERLIN e.V. planned on celebrating a running festival on the streets of Berlin. Just like our participants, the employees of SCC EVENTS and the many volunteers have been preparing to help create special moments on April 5th.

Over the past weeks, on the recommendations of the local authorities we have been modifying plans and preparing measures to help ensure the safe implementation of the event, as the health of our participants, employees, partners, volunteers and all other contributors is always at the center and first priority of our actions. The overall situation has significantly changed and we fully understand and agree with the decision taken regarding the cancellation of the GENERALI BERLIN HALF MARATHON by the authorities and implement it responsibly.

We, like everyone involved, are incredibly disappointed about having to cancel—but also completely understand the decision.

Our sport requires perseverance, endurance and great willpower. But above all, it demands the recognition that the most important thing remains everyone's wellbeing we are dealing with in a responsible way.

Following the current cancellation of the event with all of its consequences, we will be coordinating the next steps together with the authorities and the others involved. It will take time to process this extremely complex situation with its numerous questions and to examine other options that involve many people.

For this reason, please refrain from individual inquiries via contact form, e-mail or telephone in the near future. We will of course keep you informed about further developments.

In this spirit, let us look ahead optimistically and remain healthy and vigilant.



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