XX Generali Milano Marathon, 5 апреля 2020

Серия забегов: Миланский марафон

Забег 5 апреля 2020 отменён!

Комментарий: 2020 - Отменен из-за угрозы эпидемии COVID-19

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Dear Runners,

No one knows better than you that running means freedom. And in sport as in the marathon of life, freedom is being able to choose. Also to choose not to run, if this is the right thing to do for oneself and for others. That is why we are convinced that, in this moment of emergency for Italy and its people, you will all understand our decision, albeit painful, to postpone the Generali Milano Marathon scheduled for April the 5th.

It is not just a matter of adopting – as absolutely right and necessary – the measures to combat the coronavirus epidemic as proposed by the DPCM (Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic) on 8 March 2020. It is also, and above all, a question of respect between a long-awaited event and the iconic city that hosts it.

Milan is not just the host city of an event such as the Generali Milano Marathon that has accompanied the city extraordinary economic and social growth for the last 20 years. Milan is the living organism that feeds the marathon with its extraordinary energy, the enthusiasm of the institutions and the passion of the citizens. Now that the city of Lombardy and its surrounding territories are experiencing one of the most difficult moments in its recent history, stopping all together is an act of love that lays the foundations for starting again. Together.

RCS Sports has been running alongside you for years as organizer of the Generali Milano Marathon. Their first concern is, and always will be, the protection of the health and safety of runners, volunteers, staff members and everyone involved. For this reason, in agreement with the Mayor of Milan and all the institutions involved, RCS Sports has to confirm with extreme regret the decision to stop a competition of great international prestige that in 2020 would have celebrated its twentieth edition.

But continuing to run – and to get back to running soon – is your passion and our mission. This is why we can tell you right now that what we have communicated today is only a postponement. We are already working to find, in the coming months when the emergency is over, a new date in the Fidal calendar that we will communicate to you soon. On that day, we will be many at the start of the Generali Milano Marathon and we will run with the awareness of having acted as real athletes and of having witnessed something important.

Andrea Monti

direttore La Gazzetta dello Sport per RCS Sport

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