Серия забегов: Каунасский марафон

Литва, Каунас (Kaunas)

1 июня 2022

Тип забега: шоссе

Место старта: Каунас

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Дополнительная информация

On March 16th, after the government declared the quarantine and emergency situation in the whole territory of the Republic of Lithuania and so did other European countries, in order to ensure the safety of you, the participants, spectators, volunteers and the whole team, we decided to move the event to its regular date - June 7th.

We understand how hard you have worked, how much effort you have put into this run and we hope that changing the date of the event will not only lessen the emotions that you get crossing the finish line, but will only intensify it as you wait for the day. This year, we believed that a new date for the event would have led to even higher goals and better results, but in quickly changing situation on a daily basis, we support the government's steps to control the spread of COVID-19 virus as soon as possible.

For those who registered for April 26th running, no additional action required, your registration is valid for the June 7th event. We'll see everyone in the beginning of summer in Kaunas, stay healthy!


Результатов этого забега пока, к сожалению, нет.